Isabel - Teen Ambassador

Two years ago I decided to add a Teen Ambassador Program. I love my seniors, however, it became increasingly aware to me that tweens and teens ages 12-15 are under photographed.

As a Mom, I took a bazillion pictures of my girls when they were young, and slacked off when they got a little older. The tween and teen age is just as important to get photographs. Statistics show that this particular age is when boys and girls have their "awkward" stage, you know what I mean - pimples, braces, glasses etc. They are finding themselves and tend to lack the self confidence they need.

My goal is to show them how amazingly beautiful they are, glasses, braces and pimples. I strongly believe it gives them confidence and self worth that they need in such a transitional time in their lives.

Isabel joined my Team and was an absolute dream to work with. She gained so much confidence behind the camera and I was able to watch her blossom right in front of me.

Thank you Isabel for choosing me to capture this time in your life - it was an absolute pleasure. xoxo